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iCandy's GM app

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iCandy's GM app Empty iCandy's GM app

Post  iCandy Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:51 pm

1. Do u have any GM experience? List the server(s) that you have been in (Pics could give you a big advantage of being picked)

Nope. No experience. But there's always a first time^^

2. What do you consider hacking?

Hmm.. Hackng is a form of cheating. Like cheating loses your right for taking an examination if caught, hacking in-game will lose you
the right of playing the game.As for what i consider hacking, there are many forms of hacking. There is in-game hacking where the person
uses programmes to make his/her in-game life easier. There's also Account hacking where the person uses programmes to enter accounts which
do not belong to him. All in all i consider hacking to be the unauthorised use of third-party programmes.

3. What are the things you would do to prevent hacking or if you see someone hacking how would you handle it?

I will frequently check FM22 where most people uses hacks at the boss spawner. I will also check on the places where bosses spawn. As the
population count is currently still quite low, I can also perform tracks and check on the people online. However i don't think this will
be possible when the population increases. However even though I will not be able to check on everybody, i can still perform spot checks on
a selected few.

If i see someone hacking i would continue to observe whether he is really hacking. If i have enough proof that he/she is hacking i would ask
to see his/her equipments to ensure that he/she is not just overly-powered. When all is confirmed i will see if any senior GMs is online and
ask for instructions. However if no GM is online at that moment, i will jail the person until someone logs on. Then i will ask for instructions.

4. How old are you?(for maturity)

I'm 17 this year.

5.How will you help this server?

As im a computer-retard, i can only help in game by hosting events and helping new-comers fit in to the community. I can also help the server
by spending time tracking down hackers. I can also help by socialising with the players to create a god GM-player rapport.

6. How will you help advertise for this server?

I can't really do banners or sigs but i will try my best to reach out to more people by joining more hamachi networks and pserver forums.

7. Are you a dedicated person? List reasons why or why not.

I'm quite dedicated when it comes to games. If i like a game i am willing to spend time and effort on it.

However, if my exams are coming, i would spend more time studying and will nto be able to spend much time on the server.

9. List Your biggest flaw.

My biggest flaw would be my soft-heartedness. This could lead me to spoon-feed newbies.

10. Why should UnpredictableMS choose you as a GM?(list 3 reasons)

1.I'm a very sociable person and i can create an in-game community that is fun and friendly. This will help attract and keep new-comers.

2.I'm very dedicated to this server and i'm also very willing to help this server advance and grow. I will try my very best to make this server
the number one maplestory p.server

3.I'm very helpful so i will help ppl that need aid ASAP.

11. Anything Else?

Although im from a vastly different time zone as the normal players of the server, i can be online when the other gms are sleeping and cater to
the smaller population of the server thats from a time zone similar to mine.


Posts : 23
Points : 5478
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Birthday : 1992-04-27
Join date : 2009-07-27
Age : 32

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iCandy's GM app Empty Re: iCandy's GM app

Post  Blue Sun Aug 02, 2009 1:47 am

A GM that can go in a time where other GMs can't can be handy...
I remember in Yummystory, there we're nights where there we're no GMs on.

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iCandy's GM app Empty Re: iCandy's GM app

Post  Armyboi Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:42 am

I normally stay up until like 4 AM lately, but once school starts, it's over at 9:00 lol
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iCandy's GM app Empty Re: iCandy's GM app

Post  imad Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:22 am

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iCandy's GM app Empty Re: iCandy's GM app

Post  iCandy Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:57 am

imad wrote:OOH I LIKE HERS!

lol thx >.< haha lazy to add colors.. i bet imma lose out..


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iCandy's GM app Empty Re: iCandy's GM app

Post  Addition Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:58 am

Nahhhh you wont ;O 100% intern i'd say if not you'll get one of the 2 GM spots.


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Age : 31

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