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Wangesters Gm App (Dont look at till gm apps open)

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Wangesters Gm App (Dont look at till gm apps open) Empty Wangesters Gm App (Dont look at till gm apps open)

Post  Wangester12 Wed Jul 29, 2009 1:39 pm

1. Do u have any GM experience? List the server(s) that you have been in (Pics could give you a big advantage of being picked): Yes i have Gm Experiences and i have been GM in RagnerMs,GersomMs, and Shoesms

2. What do you consider hacking? I consider Damage hacking, Item Vac, Monster Vac, Speed hack, Quick attack and all other thing that are related to this

3. What are the things you would do to prevent hacking or if you see someone hacking how would you handle it? i i saw someone hacking i would tell them to stop and jail them for 1 hour then if they are caught again i would ban them

4. How old are you?(for maturity) i am currently 15 years old

5.How will you help this server? i'll help by voting every 12 hours, keep the server clean and also help new players and others that need help

6. How will you help advertise for this server? vote and advertise to friends and family

7. Are you a dedicated person? List reasons why or why not. i am sorta dedicated like 60% because i gotta be dedicated to get passing grades in highschool and i'm dedicated in my job at a resturant to help to get me through college and university

8. Can you code Java or C++?(GM's apps dont have to answer this question) nope soz dude

9. List Your biggest flaw. being afk alot

10. Why should UnpredictableMS choose you as a GM?(list 3 reasons) i can help make the server clean and more fun, i can prevent hackers from hacking and i can host events if you want me to

11. Anything Else? nope


Posts : 4
Points : 5457
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Join date : 2009-07-29

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