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Post  Armyboi Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:37 pm

Since I noticed some things are happening that should be common sense not to, here you go, failure to listen will have any post deleted, if it's your thread, the whole thread will be deleted, and possible ban.

1. Stay on topic, do not talk to your friends in a topic about someone having problems etc.

2. No arguing, fighting is pointless, it's the internet, not a dark alley where someone has a gun.

3. Respect EVERYONE, just because someone isn't in charge or is whining, lets not talk about it anymore,

like the incident with Rain. All topics will be locked/deleted depending how many posts are in it, over 2

pages of arguments and action will be taken.

4. Do not ask questions repeatedly, post a thread, I should be able to get to you quickly. There is a

support section I will be adding in a couple minutes possibly sooner if you need help.

5. If you want to apply to be anything, make sure you apply in the right section, this hasn't happened yet, but I know it will eventually, also do not take any part of someone else's application.
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