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GM Application Format

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GM Application Format Empty GM Application Format

Post  Armyboi Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:13 pm

This needed to be stickied and there was not mod option to turn it into a sticky, so I remade it.

Apparently UnpredictableMS IS in need of a staff!!!! We need at least 1 or 2 more GM's And some Coders, Here is the format for the application (Both GM and Coders):

1. Do u have any GM experience? List the server(s) that you have been in (Pics could give you a big advantage of being picked)

2. What do you consider hacking?

3. What are the things you would do to prevent hacking or if you see someone hacking how would you handle it?

4. How old are you?(for maturity)

5.How will you help this server?

6. How will you help advertise for this server?

7. Are you a dedicated person? List reasons why or why not.

8. Can you code Java or C++?(GM's apps dont have to answer this question)

9. List Your biggest flaw.

10. Why should UnpredictableMS choose you as a GM?(list 3 reasons)

11. Anything Else?

Good Luck to All Applying!
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