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noobs coder application

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noobs coder application Empty noobs coder application

Post  noob Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:23 pm

1. Do u have any GM experience? List the server(s) that you have been in (Pics could give you a big advantage of being picked)


2. What do you consider hacking?

using third party programs to get an advantage over the players

3. What are the things you would do to prevent hacking or if you see someone hacking how would you handle it?

i would warn/jail him and if he hacked again i would ban him

4. How old are you?(for maturity)


5.How will you help this server?

hmmm well i can help the people who isn't familiar with this server

6. How will you help advertise for this server?

hmm well i can tell people i know about this server.

7. Are you a dedicated person? List reasons why or why not.

well since it is summer i can probably play for about 3-4 hours a day.

8. Can you code Java or C++?(GM's apps dont have to answer this question)

yes, i can code c++

9. List Your biggest flaw.

im lazy

10. Why should UnpredictableMS choose you as a GM?(list 3 reasons)
1. i can help people if they need help.
2. If i start something i will try finish it.
3. im helpful Smile

11. Anything Else?

hmmm thats pretty much it.


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noobs coder application Empty Re: noobs coder application

Post  David Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:54 pm

Im interested in you. Smile Do you have any proof of coding? NPC's etc...?

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noobs coder application Empty Re: noobs coder application

Post  noob Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:03 pm

David wrote:Im interested in you. Smile Do you have any proof of coding? NPC's etc...?
what do you mean by proof?


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noobs coder application Empty Re: noobs coder application

Post  David Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:53 am

Proof that you can code. Scripts of NPC's or etc...

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noobs coder application Empty Re: noobs coder application

Post  noob Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:35 pm

David wrote:Proof that you can code. Scripts of NPC's or etc...
well i dont know if this will work or not but here you go

var status = 0;

function start() {
status = -1;
action(1, 0, 0);

function action(mode, type, selection) {
if (mode == -1) {
} else {
if (status == 1 && mode == 0 && cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.sendNext("Hey do you want to go to the GM map?.");
if (mode == 1)
if (status == 0) {
cm.sendNext("however you may only enter if you are past level 120.");
} else if (status == 1) {
if (cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.sendYesNo("If you are thinking of going in, I suggest you change your mind. But if you really want to go in... I'm only letting in the ones that are strong enough to stay alive in there. I do not wish to see anyone else die. Let's see... Hmmm...! You look pretty strong. All right, do you want to go in?");
} else {
cm.sendPrev("If you are thinking of going in, I suggest you change your mind. But if you really want to go in... I'm only letting in the ones that are strong enough to stay alive in there. I do not wish to see anyone else die. Let's see... Hmmm... You haven't reached Level 120 yet. I can't let you in, then, so forget it.");
} else if (status == 2) {
if (cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.warp(180000000, 5);

it sends you to the GM map if your over lvl 120, its pretty useless but still....also im not sure if it will work or not


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noobs coder application Empty Re: noobs coder application

Post  Addition Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:29 pm

Wow, can i fix it?^^'
There are quite amount of Failure in it and so on.... this would actually be the whole code

//noob's NPC fixed by addition.
var status = 0;

function start() {
status = -1;
action(1, 0, 0);

function action(mode, type, selection) {

if (mode == -1) {
else {
if (status >= 2 && mode == 0) {
if (status == 0) {
if (cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.sendYesNo ("Do you want to go to the GM map?");
} else {
cm.sendOk ("You are over level120 i am sorry, you cannot go to the GM map");
} else if (status == 1) {

I think i will list your failures, so you don't do it again.

if (status == 1 && mode == 0 && cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.sendNext("Hey do you want to go to the GM map?.");

This part in orange is when the person closes the char closes the chat.
So you cant let the NPC ask if hes over level 120 to quit the chat (showed in blue)

cm.sendPrev("If you are thinking of going in, I suggest you change your
mind. But if you really want to go in... I'm only letting in the ones
that are strong enough to stay alive in there. I do not wish to see
anyone else die. Let's see... Hmmm... You haven't reached Level 120
yet. I can't let you in, then, so forget it.");

This part actually is okay, but instead of usind cm.sendPrev you should just use cm.sendOk
so the people only have to click once instead of twice (THIS IS NO Failure) just a tip.

} else if (status == 2) {
if (cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.warp(180000000, 5);

And this could just be a typo but befor you close the "if (cm.getLevel() >=120) {" you should dispose so exchange the end of the code to this

} else if (status == 2) {
if (cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.warp(180000000, 5);
} // closes the getLevel >=120 {
} // closes the Status == 2
} // closes the else {
} // closes the function start action

// created a line that is not used in the code so that part i wrote down there is irrelevant just to show what closes what.

noob wrote:
8. Can you code Java or C++?(GM's apps dont have to answer this question)

yes, i can code c++

i know that NPC's aren't coded in c++...but are you sure that you can
code i mean those failure weren't really hard to find, i only gave ti
5minutes.... this isn't supposed to be a offence but please if you lied remake your Application.

Oh and -

else if (status == 1) {
if (cm.getLevel() >= 120) {
cm.sendYesNo("If you are thinking of going in, I suggest you change your mind. But if you really want to go in... I'm only letting in the ones that are strong enough to stay alive in there. I do not wish to see anyone else die. Let's see... Hmmm...! You look pretty strong. All right, do you want to go in?");

This part does not make sence grammatically, because the NPC only says this if the person is lv120+ so, it doesnt have to say things like "If you are thinking of going in, I suggest you change your mind. But if you really want to go in... I'm only letting in the ones that are strong enough to stay alive in there."


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Birthday : 1993-04-16
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