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Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (:

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Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (: Empty Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (:

Post  Free Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:11 pm

1. Do u have any GM experience? List the server(s) that you have been in (Pics could give you a big advantage of being picked)
[I have been a GM in 3 servers (JokeMS, RexMS, PoizonMS). I have a GM handbook and know most of the commands. I do memorize some ID's but if I don't remember, I can check the GM Handbook really quickly.]
Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (: L_91e010
Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (: L_8c0b10
2. What do you consider hacking?
[It's cheating, its unfair, and its ridiculous! Hacking is unfair for all the other players because hackers will level faster than all the other players without even trying. I will try my best to stop hackers if I become a GM.]

3. What are the things you would do to prevent hacking or if you see someone hacking how would you handle it?
[If I see someone hacking I will handle it calmly and reasonably. I would listen to whatever your instructions are for example you tell me that if I see someone hacking I must give them warnings, jail them for given amount of time by you, temp ban them, or just simply ban them. To me, it all depends on your instructions. =]

4. How old are you?(for maturity)
[I am a VERY playful person but I realize as a GM I must be serious sometimes, and I can be serious.. depending on the occasion. My real age is 14 but for maturity, I would say 16+.

5.How will you help this server?
[I will make sure all players get the same amount of fairness, this meaning I will hunt down hackers and FEAST ON THEM (Again depending on your instructions.) I can make cool banners and videos for advertisement, and I will help anyone that needs help on the server and will try my very best to be the very best =]

6. How will you help advertise for this server?
[I can make banners and videos, I can tell all the people I know and I already have ppl just LINING up for this server! ahahah!]

7. Are you a dedicated person? List reasons why or why not.
[I am a dedicated person, these past few days I've been learning how to make banners and such, also I'm dedicated to whatever server I'm playing. I am very active and can stay up late nights for those players that live some place with a different timezone or for those people that stay up that late.]

8. Can you code Java or C++?(GM's apps don't have to answer this question)

9. List Your biggest flaw.
[I would have to say my biggest flaw is that sometimes I just get too addicted to these private servers.. haha!]
10. Why should UnpredictableMS choose you as a GM?(list 3 reasons)
(1)UnpredictableMS should choose me as a GM because I am kind, friendly, respectful, playful, and reaally I'm a reaally fun person!
(2)I love hosting events and helping people, I will try my best to hunt down hackers and make sure all the players are fair! I will also make sure that all the players are nice to each other and don't fight or argue.
(3)I can advertise this server very well and get a lot of players to play UnpredictableMS!
11. Anything Else?
[I reeaaally hope you like my GM application, thanks so much for reading! Please leave a comment below saying if you liked my GM application or not! Thank yooou.][img][/img]

Last edited by Free on Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:45 pm; edited 5 times in total


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Join date : 2009-07-24

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Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (: Empty Re: Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (:

Post  noob Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:19 pm

good application Smile


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Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (: Empty Thank you!

Post  Free Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:20 pm

Thanks a lot! Smile


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Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (: Empty Re: Free's GM Application. [I HAVE PICTURES!! YAAY.] (:

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